Friday, May 23, 2008

My first time to blog!!

I am pleased that you started this site, I have been curious about blogging and was so disappointed when your first invitation came because I tried to respond without success. You have probably figured out that I have a mental block when it comes to using computers so I immediately thought it was me - what a relief to find no one could leave message. Oh, well we are cooking on all burners now. Speaking of burners I console myself when it comes to my inability to use many facets of a computer with the knowledge that at least I am a good cook!
Cousin Carolyn

1 comment:

lyn said...

Hooray for your blog post! It was my error and not yours you couldn't first time around.

Feel free to blog about what you are up to re Monroe & associated families research and let me know if you have folks you would like me to invite. Maybe this blog will get more of our cousins talking.