Friday, November 7, 2008

Alcorn/Englis kin

I recently heard from 3 Alcorn researchers responding to a message I left years ago on either an Alcorn site or a Cass Co. Illinois site. What fun this is! Two were related to me by marriage and not my bio cousins (an Alcorn cousin of mine was the second husband of the woman they descended from). I didn't know about this marriage so I was delighted to hear from them. Last year I submitted some Alcorn/Englis photos to the Cass Co., Illinois Historial & Genealogical Society site and they can be viewed there.

For anyone researching in Cass Co., Illinois this is a great site (besides the fact you can see the photos I contributed!).

My Alcorn bio cousin who recently contacted me has been too busy (two teen age kids plus a full time job) to go through her old pictures and documents. But she plans to and we will talk more then. I'm sure she will have lots to share. I'm so happy to have her email so we can talk later.