Saturday, June 7, 2008

Collins continued

I'm still not finished entering all the Elmore C. (Collins) Butler descendant data I have. But... I have more data now then when I last blogged. A couple of death certificates and a WW1 draft card, located a couple of folks in 1930 census, etc.

Had a nice note from Debbie and also one from Ethel. Ethel included a scan of a newspaper article about the murder of Anna (Collins) Carney and suicide of Arthur Carney. I was very happy to receive this. Ann sent an obituary for her father Wilbert B. "Bill" Howard. I've started a Collins folder with items of this type plus photos I will link into the Johnson_Monroe Yahoo site once I get a little further with it.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Collins - Elmore C. line continued

I did the census work on Elmore C. Collins married Edward Johnson Butler in 1900/10/20. She dies in 1927. I haven't yet found Edward or most of their children in 1930. Think a bunch of them may no longer be in Kentucky so I need to look further. Found a KY WW1 record for one of Elmore's son's. Will be posted later to our Yahoo Johnson Monroe site. A wonderful thing happened about cousin contact when the mother of Suzanne who I mentioned in my earlier post contacted me. I haven't heard a peep from Suzanne or Debbie or Ethel or Tonya since I put them in touch ---- but Suzanne's mother Ann and I are talking so I'm happy about that. Ann has given me some good leads on tracing other descendants. Many thanks to Ann! I've invited her to the blog and the Yahoo group. Hope she will join us.


I am so far behind in my Data entry I keep getting sidetracked with working for money to pay bills!!!!!!!!!

The last few weeks have been insane but I gotta get back to work on it, my keyboard won't balance anymore on the stack of papers under it waiting to be entered.

I have to get the transcription done of the Power of Attorney that John Glazebrook and Francis did with her children Willory and Susan Stone regarding the land of John Stone they inherited. I was so tickled to find the proof of her having another marriage and finally proving that Susan was her daughter and that there was a reason for her to be listed in the family bible.

Does anyone have any proof that Francis wife of John Glazebrook was an Elmore before she married John Stone or is it simply a story that has been passed down?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Collins-Monroe descendant

This weekend I made contact with a "new" cousin who descends from Polly B. Monroe and Francis Marion Collins. Suzanne descends from their daughter Charles Elmore "Elma" Collins who married Edward Johnson Monroe. Isn't it interesting Polly named one of her daughters for her brother Charles Elmore Monroe? This daughter is listed as Elmore C. on the 1880 census with her parents. I haven't yet done the census work to learn more about her family after marriage. She dies in 1927 and I have a copy of her death certificate which will be later available through the Johnson_Monroe Yahoo website. I emailed introduced Suzanne to Debbie and Ethel today. Hopefully some cousin sharing will happen.

Speaking of the Polly B. and FM Collins line - my shirt-tail cousin Tonya (she's related to descendants of Anna Collins m. Arthur Carney) went to Logan Co., KY last week and dug up some great Collins info I don't think any of us have seen before. Thank you Tonya!